Minnesota Sportsmen's Club offers a full range of shooting sports facilities and leagues including handgun, archery and trap.  These leagues are open to the public.  Click on the Open to the Public link above for information about ranges, hours and leagues.  The club is a 501(c)(3) organization and can accept charitable donations which are fully tax deductible.








2025 Summer Trap League

April 23rd thru August 27th

Click here for League sign up sheet.

Click here to view the Spring/Summer trap league scores!

The trap committee and the Minnesota Sportsmen’s Club would like to invite you to shoot our 2025 Summer Trap League! We are planning on hosting a 20 week league and hope you will enjoy the coming year.

The shooting team entry fee will be $90.00. A round of trap for members will be $7.50 a round but you MUST purchase a members only shooting card. NO single sale rounds will be honored and limit of three cards per shooter per team they are on. Please do not abuse the members only option. Non-members will be $10.00 (tax included), still the lowest price in the area. Shooting cards will be 11 rounds for $100.00 (buy 10 rounds and get one free).A free shooting card will drawn at the mid point and end of the season. A drawing for a free round of trap will be at the end of each league day. Be sure to tell your team members to check the TV slide show for the daily winners!!

The Minnesota sportsman club has shells for our league shooters!

The league will begin Wednesday April 23rd . The club will be open Sundays 12:00 to 4:00 and Wednesdays 5:00 to 8:00 for league and open shooting. No one will be able to sign up until opening time because we need time to get everything set up. Practice rounds may be limited for the first two weeks of trap league due to the number of people having to shoot their league rounds. We will be closed Easter Sunday.

We will host the Shooter’s year end picnic and trophy presentation Saturday September 6th.

We are going to run the league using the “Lewis Class System”. This means all teams will be competing against each other for the first 10 weeks. After 10 weeks teams will be placed in divisions based on their teams total target score. This way teams will know who they are competing with for the remainder of the season. Divisions and standing can be viewed on the “Team Standings page” of our website Minnesotasportsmensclub.com. The number of divisions will be set based on the number of teams shooting. Ties will be shot off at the end of the season and winners will be determined by the total target score of the shoot off. There could be up to 7 divisions and the number of place trophies awarded will be based on the number of teams in each division. The Division names will remain the same as in the past: USA, National, AA American, American, Southern, Western, and Eastern.

Teams may consist of 4 (minimum) to 6 (maximum) shooters. We will use the top four scores posted by a team to determine the team score, so having six shooters on the team would be to your advantage. The Team entry fee will be $90.00 whether you have 4, 5, or 6 team members. In order to have the league and teams set up, your team rosters need to be received by APRIL 27th, NO LATER. All team fees will be collected and submitted by the Team Captain. No individual fees will be accepted. Rosters must have a minimum of 4 (6 is preferred) shooters to be accepted. If you do not have four shooters to complete a team, please see a trap committee member for possible assistance recruiting additional shooters. Team registration fees will be due the first week of league.

We will limit the total number of teams to forty (40). Returning teams will be given preference if their rosters are received by April 28th. New teams will be accepted on a first come first served basis.

We try to make posting your league scores as convenient as possible by allowing scores to be posted ahead or behind with a noted deadline date to be met. To make posting your scores as convenient as possible we will split the twenty week season into two ten week segments. You can post scores as far in advance as you like but you must have ten scores posted by the tenth week, June 25th. There will be no exceptions. Any scores for the first ten weeks not posted by end of day June 25 th cannot be made up. You will then have until August 28th to post your remaining ten scores.  It is strongly advised that you do not wait to start posting your scores. If we have a large number of teams shooting your wait time to shoot may be long. You will not be given preference; we will not suspend practice rounds.

We endeavor to record and post your scores accurately but mistakes can happen. If you are concerned that the score posted is not correct, you will need to provide us with the date and the squad number you shot the score in question. We will check this date and squad number only. Cards will be available for you to keep track of your shooting dates, squad numbers and scores.

We will try to keep the score sheets up to date with scores being posted for Sundays and Wednesdays as soon as possible. We will be posting scores using the TV in the club house. We will also post scores on the club website: Minnesotasportsmensclub.com

We will be using conventional all orange pitch targets thrown off Pat traps and Canterbury Wireless Voice releases.

A team must have a minimum of 4 scores posted each week to qualify to win in their division. If at the end of the season a team wins in their division, each shooter must have shot at least 75% of his or her rounds (15 weeks) to receive their individual trophy.

We ask that if you have a semi-automatic, please buy a shell catcher or use a rubber band around the receiver so you don’t eject the shells at the shooter next to you. We also ask that you keep your hulls or put them in the provided buckets. This helps us keep the cost of shooting as low as we do. We are asking this year that all shooters use eye and hearing protection.

While the Minnesota Sportsmen’s Club does not prohibit the consumption of alcohol we do ask that you refrain from drinking until after you have shot your rounds. For liability reasons ANYONE known to us that have been drinking will not be allowed to sign up to shoot. Any shooter determined to be acting in an unsafe manner will be required to cease shooting, prevented from further shooting, and may be asked to leave.

We are scheduling two captains meetings, April 23rd at 5:00 pm and April 27th at 12:00 pm. If you have any questions please attend one of these meetings.

Important dates:
April 23rd - first official day of League shooting.
September 6th League Picnic 11:00 am to 3:00 pm

We will be closed to league shooting these dates:
Sunday May 25th (Memorial Weekend)
Sunday July 6th (Fourth of July weekend)

The Trap Committee reserves the right to make changes as needed. We are looking forward to another good year and hope to see you and your team.

The Trap Committee
Minnesota Sportsmen’s Club

For more information contact:
Craig Marvel 763-350-1661
Gordy Mach 763-360-8157
Craig Jindra 612-747-6394

Members Only Login

If you are a member and would like a login please email admin@minnesotasportsmensclub.com with your first and last name and what you'd like your user id to be.

The Club

 Check out the pictures of our beautiful club and activities we host!  The clubhouse has an indoor archery range, fireplace, full kitchen and many more features.


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